arrived at the white house as you know, i believe my colleague laid out what came out of that, after consulting closely with us and regional partners and i expect the president and the prime minister will debrief on the consultations. again, don t want to get ahead we will have a readout for you, they are having the conversations currently, and we ll share that. dig a little deeper, we really have not heard much about this framework since it was launched last year. so at this point it seems like the administration still believes this is the best offer the u.s. can give to counter chinese trade clout, am i understanding this correctly? so as you said, it was announced in tokyo this past may, and japan was a critical partner as you know, in helping us to build support, particularly among southeast asian countries. so, that is important, again, japan has been a critical partner in this.
0 could go back to texas i m not in texas, there you go. i m single, i don t do any of those things, i don t know what my issue is, i m sure i ll hear about it on twitter. i have a theory one living in a mess, my husband, he knows he s incredibly messy, have one person in the relationship that s ocd and cleanly and you can make it work. it s all about meeting the match. here is america reports. john: good luck to lawrence, thank you. severe storms plaguing millions across the country, devastating tornadoes ripping through the southeast yesterday killing at least seven people. sandra: a tough situation there. a brief break from the torrential downpours, dangerous mudslides, but they are back in full force now in california forcing thousands out of their homes, leaving some neighborhoods completely unrecognizable. fox weather all over the map coming up. john: kick off america reports with a live look at the white house briefing room, the former atlanta mayor now the
john kelly was so upset with the way president trump handled the firing of james comey this past may that he called comey shortly after he was terminated to tell him how angry he was. this is according to two sources familiar with this conversation between kelly and comey. one of the sources said kelly was simply disgusted by the way it all was handled. at the time kelly, as you pointed out, was secretary of homeland security, and he was so angry that he even told comey he was contemplating resigning from his position as homeland security secretary in a show of solidarity. comey responded by telling him not to resign in this phone conversation. both sources did caution, though, it was unclear how serious kelly was about resigning, and of course that never happened. but the sources say he was particularly upset by the way it all went down, about the fact comey learned he was fired on the news rather than by the president himself, and the call took place, we learned, while comey was trav
the potential compromise of the security of the cia director. martha: we may once again see eric holder brought before congressional hearings. dianne feinstein would like to talk to him and ask him those same questions. we ll see how far that goes and how far up it goes. john bolton always good to talk to you. bill: who is jill kelly. this is what we know. 37 years old there from a lebanese family immigrated in president late 70s. her and her husband, a well-known surgeon moved to tampa two years ago. she works as an unpaid socially aeu son at an air force base in tam path. the two have hosted gatherings for military officers, some bases in the area and apparently they have been friends with general petraeus and his wife holly for five years. she told a friend that she started receiving harassing emails from paula broadwell this past may. and that s when we are told the f.b.i. started its own