the crowd was asking, what s going on? they were saying this is an emergency, we just need to clear the area. so what was really interesting about it is that it was kind of like controlled chaos. you know, the new york police department, the first respo responders, they did an excellent job. they were in control and they were very like commanding and telling everybody you need to get to safety. the people in times square, the visitors and residents, they listened. they weren t running around, screaming and yelling or anything like that. it was controlled chaos. people were listening. people wanted to see what was going on. people like me with my iphone and social media and twitter, my space, facebook and stuff like that, recording what was going on in times square, not knowing exactly what was happening but the rumor out there, i think when we were pushed all the way back to 47th was that finally that they were saying that it was a bomb in an suv.
they use? what kind of language were the police and people using? words like terrorism? no. nobody knew what was going on. i mean the police weren t really telling the crowd. the crowd was asking, what s going on. they said this is an emergency we need to clear the area. what was interesting about it was that it was kind of like controlled chaos. the new york police department, the first responders did an excellent job. they were in control and they were very like commanding and telling everybody you need to get to safety. the people in times square, the visitors and residents, they listened. they weren t running around, screaming and yelling or anything like that. it was controlled chaos. people wanted to see what was going on. people like me with my iphone and social media and twitter, my space and facebook recording what was going on in times