conflict with russia is over. fundamentally, today is about soft power, about having the president walk up here, sit in the garden of downing street and see the relationship is rock solid. he couldn t have a close ally van rishi sunak. when he hears phrases like that, the prime minister will be delighted. 0ur chief political correspondent. 0ur royal correspondent daniela relph is in windsor. the president has arrived there not long ago. yes, that is right. nick was talking about soft power. this is where the p°mp about soft power. this is where the pomp and pageantry side of the soft power was seen today. the president arrived at windsor castle and was offered a royal salute, a guard of honour. the national anthem, the american national anthem was played in the quadrangle of windsor castle by the welsh guard, who are based here in this town. it was that show of soft power that is so important.