perhaps grim chapter could be coming in the next couple of days. the way the ukrainians held back the russians, pushed them back in some cases has been widely praised rightly admired and almost certainly vladimir putin has been seeing that. he s been caught off guard by how much more difficult this has been for his forces but the russians of course still have that overwhelming superiority in numbers and material. the fear i think don is the russians are going to ratchet things up and bring in heavy equipment and a heavy hand and cause more pain. if they go into a city the size of kyiv. how bloody the street to street battles could be doesn t bear thinking about, don. michael holms in lviv. now to kaitlan collins. you ve been talking to officials about this massive convoy and the possible ratcheting up of forces from the russian side. what are you hearing?
it s a probably that s never been wassed by a quake in this country until now. first responders may be getting reasons. stand by for dr. sanjay gupta and details of a new medical study. i m westbound westboun i m wolf blitzer. you re in the situation room. how did their political leaders do big things like reduce the debt if they butt heads over a scheduling speech. we re learning more about the duty-up over the president s make-or-break jobs speech this week, and how the date was finally set. athena jones is covering the story for us. now, actually scheduling that speech has turned out to be the hard part. what the american people expect the president to do, what they expect their senators, congress men and women to do is listen to them and take action. they do not give a lick about what day next week the president speaks before congress. reporter: the great date debate came to the first public view through a tweet. at around noon on wednesday, the told hi twitter fo