in lock step with the radicals. these democrats r have a choice to make. they going to do with the dark money groups want or are they going to listen to their own voters o? ve i don t believe voters in any of these states we forgot jon a tester in montana want tond turn the supreme court into a rubber stamp fortn th msnbc crowd. let s be clear if you care about your second amendment rights, this nomination needs to be stopped if you believe criminals should be punished, this nomination needs to be t stopped t. if you believe that biden s team doesn t actually have the power to shut down any business that disagrees with dr. fauci , this nomination. oh , yeah. ciit needs to be stopped. and if you believe that traditional religious y beliefs are protected by the first amendment, this nomination needsdse to beo stopped. we don t have to wait for the nomination to get started. we know exactly what the leftft wants a blank check to rewrite the constitution and every