that in more detail? not just let it happen, but subject lee. kennedy: and very quickly, in the statement that jared kushner released to the intelligence committee. he is one that said, offering his brother-in-law a little bit of cover. a sane, i stepped into the meeting. they were talking about adoption. harris: thinking nothing of it, they are not done the whole circle of information, well, that falls within the grounds of sanctions. that is our campaign, and it was a fast and furious moments of that. they were trying to get the father-in-law elected. steve: he did say one thing that would seem to shore up the descriptions of the meeting that we have heard from donald trump, jr., in the various russians who were participants. because i have come out and said, this is a meeting that did not go anywhere. not much dirt pass. and jared kushner says, look, i text or email my assistant to have me pulled out of the meeting so that i could say that i was busy. which is consistent on a
general. jenna: thank you for pointing that out. jon: let s talk about the political fallout from all this. bob cusack is managing editor of the hill. jenna said we re going to continue to explore this story, but bob, is congress is this kind of going to be the swan song for testimony on this matter? you know, john i think it is. hillary clinton did quite well in her testimony recently on benghazi because republicans basically fumbled, they didn t ask the right questions. hillary clinton said that she never saw the cable that came from chris stevens asking for more her, saying 1.4 million cables come to her. no republican ever said do you have a pryor tiization system where you look at the cables from hot spots? now the defense secretary and the general can say, well you know we didn t hear from the state department there is a lot of subject lee blaming the state department and even senator james inhofe the ranking