for months, rail workers have been striking over pay and plans my guest is mick lynch, leader of the biggest rail union, the rmt. the stakes in this fight are high. can the workers win? mick lynch, welcome to hardtalk. you are the leader of a union that s been in a long running dispute now. it goes back to last summer. there have been rolling, sporadic strikes. as it goes on, does it feel harder to find your way to a compromise? well, there s no easy way out for either side. the government has boxed themselves into a corner, to a large extent. and i think that s predicated on the idea of setting precedents for public sector. we ve seen the nurses, ambulance drivers, many civil servants in dispute along similar lines. people aren t being paid enough in this society at the moment and many public sector workers have had long term pay cuts measured against any measure of inflation, so there s some catch up to be done, and that makes it harder because the government wants to be
Temporary service firms and third-party clients may want to review their staffing agreements to ensure compliance with the TWBR, particularly in light of the new disclosures that need to be made to each temporary worker
britain. the swedish really fund the staffing in a different way and they may have made a agreement with the union on how the staffing will be rovided. , , union on how the staffing will be provided. but - union on how the staffing will be provided. but we - union on how the staffing will be l provided. but we don t provided. flexibility? but we don t have many don t provided. flexibility? but we don t have many don t act provided. flexibility? but we don t have many don t act any provided. flexibility? but we don t have many don t act any of- provided. flexibility? but we don t have many don t act any of those l have many don t act any of those staffing have many don t act any of those staffing agreements they have in other staffing agreements they have in other countries. staffing agreements they have in other countries. there are countries where the loss other countries. there are countries where the loss of other countries. there are countries where the loss of tic