Updated Mar 02, 2021 | 18:41 IST
At Rs 57,122 crore, Reliance Jio emerged as the largest bidder followed by Bharti Airtel which placed bids worth Rs 18,698.75 crore and Vodafone Idea Ltd (Vi) picked up Rs 1,993.40 crore worth airwaves. First 4G spectrum auction in 4 years garners Rs 77.8K crore; Jio bids big  |  Photo Credit: BCCL
Key Highlights
Bids worth Rs 77,814.40 cr were received in 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz and 2300 MHz bands. There were no takers for the premium 700 and 2500 MHz bands
DoT aimed to raise Rs 3.92 lakh crore through the spectrum sale
India’s first 4G spectrum auction in almost five years which began on Monday garnered Rs 77,814.80 crore from telecom companies over two days. Telecom Department Secretary Anshu Prakash said spectrum auctions were concluded at 12.45 pm on Tuesday after six rounds of bidding.