Plans to change that situation the intro via project involves dredging the amazons tributaries to create a Multi National network of deep water highways that can be navigated by big ships or year round. It will improve the transportation of goods but local people will also benefit. But many of the people who live here are skeptical. All too often in the past theyve seen promises of development only bring them hot shifts who does the river belong to our journey is full of encounters with magical River Spirits but primarily with people for whom life by the river means everything. Las vegas is a porter hes glad to have the work but its a backbreaking job. Where being a sack of rice on your back weighs 50 kilos so thats 100. 00 kilos for 2 sacks every day we unload a truck full which adds up to several tons of. Logic and his colleagues spend about 3 hours loading and unloading then they have to take a break it takes quite a while to load up a boat this size. Where in the port city of your
Plans to change that situation the intro via projects involves dredging the amazones tributaries to create a Multi National network of deep water highways that can be navigated by big ships all year round but it will improve the transportation of goods but local people will also benefit. But many of the people who live here ascap tacl. All too often in the past theyve seen promises of development only bring them hardship fist size who does the river belong to our journey is full of encounters with magical River Spirits but primarily with people who life by the river means everything. Logic is a porter hes glad to have to work but its a back breaking job. Where bring a sack of rice on your back weighs 50 kilos so thats 100. 00 kilos for 2 sacks every day we are not a truckful which adds up to several tons of. Logic and his colleagues spend about 3 hours loading and unloading then they have to take a break it takes quite a while to load up a boat this size. Were in the port city of your