you get an idea of how that moment is and how tough it is for the family to get reaquainted. absolutely. straight ahead on our telecast today, is this the best way to tell america there s a national emergency? you love me papparazzi way to go, fema. botched the broadcast. they went gaga. wow. you just heard rick perry say he s not dropping out of the race despite a gaffe last night. can he really recover? that will be up for debate next.
of the day. do you think that did the trick? only until donald trump again stated that perry s original remarks were, quote, good for him, in the republican primary just a few hours later. good for him. thanks, donald. up next, how s this for a profile in courage. rick perry plans to duck debates. again, how s he going to debate obama if he can t debate romney? you re watching hardball, only on msnbc. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp. medicare supplement insurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn t cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to 80% of your part b expenses. if you re already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp. medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, helps cover some of the medical expenses. not paid by medicare part b. that can save you from paying up to thousands of doll
light of that. on tuesday, perry said maybe doing the debates was a mistake. let s listen, he keeps moving in this direction. these debates are set up for nothing more than to tear down the candidates. it s pretty hard to be able to sit and lay out your ideas and concepts with a one-minute response. if there was a mistake made, it was probably ever doing one of the ever doing one of the campaigns when all they re interested in stirring it up between the candidates. yesterday perry s campaign manager said they were trying a new strategy we need to be spending time, particularly as the last entrant, with voters, doing town halls, retail politics, and local media in the early states. he added that perry would do the next scheduled debate on cnbc on november 9th, but would pick and choose after that. john, debates don t hurt everybody. i notice that herman cain is doing really well, thanks to the debates. mitt romney s doing really well thanks to the debate.
family and his friends is just get out of the race and go back to texas. this man is evidently not up to this. he had plenty of chances to do it. he can t debate, he can t give a speech. he can t hold a position paper, he can t go on television. i love the bottom line, the way he talks. carville and perry can agree on one thing, debates are not rick s strong suit. next up, put the birther talk to bed. well, rick perry, he welcomed the obama birth certificate hysteria back into the conversation, as you know, this week, and later insisted he was just joking. but at least one of other members of the 2012 field has had enough of this talk. when i see one of my colleagues, governor perry, who starts talking about birtherism again, i cringe. i say, as a party, if we re going to win this election, we ve got to focus on the issues that are germane for the american family. it s been settled, folks. it s been settled. the president s a citizen of the united states. i mean, how much more do w
back to hardball. now for the sideshow. first up, so much for sugar coating it. you didn t expect democratic strategist james carville to be heaping praise on any of the republican presidential candidates, but he s now throwing verbal punches at the front-runners like you ve never seen. let s hear carville s strategy for figuring out when mitt romney s about to make another one of those well-known flip-flops we talked about earlier. the man is a serial wind sock. anytime that you turn around, it s something else. and once he uses any kind of adjective in front of it, you know he s getting ready to flip-flop. if he s very committed to it, that means he s going to change positions. and if he s 110% for something, that means he s changing positions. here he is on the subject of rick perry. the best thing rick perry could go for himself and his