the first is the manner in whicr he is conducting the presidencyy itself..itself. you know, when you are the president of the united states,e you are a steward for all of tha people and it s quite aand it s transition from being a business person. by the way, for anyone out thert who is wondering how to conducte yourself in public office, don t ever have a one on one meeting with someone who you believe ise going to wbecome your adversary unless you are taping it. we had a rule of three. three people in the room if weoi are going to have disagreementsn and we are going g to write ouri own memorandum on the record.nde this is an administration that n has not populated its appointeea we are well intopp the administration. the best administration inin myh lifetime, my professional in my lifetime was the reagantime, my administrat pion. they brought infe highly compety personnel people from the outside world and they cleared e their people and they got themte confirmed and we don t see tha