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Transcripts for BFBS Brize Norton BFBS Brize Norton 20180823 180000

Dominic Robb suggested reaching an agreement with the E.U. Was the overriding priority but said ministers had a responsibility to consider the alternative they shot a brick that Secretary. Said the information was light and inadequate I think many people will be troubled 8 weeks before the October summit which is supposed to be the end of the negotiations the government is just publishing these fake papers and then only publishing all of them presumably the 50 or so papers are still being written that really isn t going to reassure anybody Donald Trump s lawyer says the American people would revolt if the president were forced from office he s under pressure after his ex attorney Michael Cohen admitted in court to paying hush money to $2.00 women Rudy Giuliani s currently playing at the Trump International Gulf links now Aberdeen he was asked whether it s inevitable the U.S. President will be impeached over the scandal I think it s inevitable that he won t preserve his completely clea


Transcripts for BFBS Brize Norton BFBS Brize Norton 20180823 170000

Attempts to impeach him would result in a stock market crash in America and an interview with the U.S. Television network FOX News Mr Trump said the economic damage would make everybody very poor earlier this week the president s former lawyer Michael Cohen told a court that he d broken and election campaign law on Mr Trump s orders B.B.C. Washington correspondent Chris Buckley says the president sounded unusually defensive fight the president is. Tubbing to entertain those questions and even come up with arguments against impeachment gives you a sense so for Donald Trump is this wake he said that as far as he was concerned that he believed if he was to be impeached the stock market would collapse and that America would be much poorer economically he s making economic arguments and it gives you a sense that here in Washington at the moment there is a conversation about what happens next nothing in forest and Notts County Football clubs have joined forces with the British army Football


Transcripts for BFBS Brize Norton BFBS Brize Norton 20180822 190000

The president says Mr Cohen has been making up stories to get a more lenient sentence and appearing on the U.S. Show Fox and Friends Mr Trump was asked if he knew about the payments A later on or later on but yet understanding for what he did and they were taken out of campaign finance that s a big thing that s a much bigger thing did they come out of the campaign they didn t come out of the campaign they came from me and I ve read about it you know I thought I don t know if you know but I thought we did. About the thing that s a veteran who s alleged military actions during the Troubles in Northern Ireland have left in facing an attempted murder trial by judge of the Supremes court says veterans are being treated as political fodder Dennis Hutchings a former regimental Corporal major in the lifeguards denies charges of attempted murder and attempted grievous bodily harm with intent relating to the killing of John Patrick cumming in 1974 the 77 year old was at a public meeting where c


Transcripts for BFBS Brize Norton BFBS Brize Norton 20180822 200000

You re seeing the payoff for all these many years of war at the violence that goes down because we achieve a reconciliation with the Taliban this creates a much better environment not only for the Afghan people have suffered so on but also for us to assess our work with them and keeping the pressure on the terrorists so they don t threaten the United States or our allies Donald Trump insists he only found out about hush money his then lawyer gave to 2 women after it happened Michael Cohen could be jailed for handling the payments in the run up to the 2016 election because it s argued it was used to influence the vote White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Saunders told reporters President Trump has no case to answer I m not going to get into the back and forth details I can tell you as the president has stated on numerous occasions he did nothing wrong there are no charges against him and this just because Michael Cohen made a plea deal doesn t mean that that implicates the presid


Transcripts for BFBS Brize Norton BFBS Brize Norton 20180821 090000

NATO which is primarily set up for the defense of Europe spending 4 percent of their G.D.P. And a whole bunch of other countries not even spending to discern police in the Afghan capital Kabul say 3 attackers armed with heavy machine guns have launched an attack on government compounds breaking into a building close to the presidential palace they fired mortars while President Ashraf Ghani was addressing the nation life as part of ceremonies to mark the start of eat the Afghan president had offered Taliban insurgents a 3 month ceasefire to begin on the Eve holiday officials in the south Indian state of Corrales say more than a 1000000 people who were forced from their homes by devastating floods and now in relief camps nearly 400 people are known to have dice emergency and rescue teams are carrying out further searches for survivors in case anyone is still trying to get hospitals warning of drug shortages if the U.K. Crashes out of the E.U. Without a deal and H.S. Providers which repr


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