Mendenhall Middle School in Livermore and Thomas Hart Middle School in Pleasanton dominated the 2022 Alameda County National History Day junior group competition held virtually on March 12.
united states to continue our partnership with the eu. while we have some differences, i reiterated this with the leadership, he appreciated the cordial and substantive discussions that we had. on saturday, as the secretary general mentioned, at the munich security conference, i brought a message from president trump. the message is the same i bring to you today. it is my privilege here at the nato headquarters, to express the strong support of president trump and the united states of america for nato and our trans-atlantic alliance. the united states has been a proud and faithful member of nato since its founding in 1949. this alliance plays a crucial role in promoting peace and prosperity in the north atlantic and frankly in the entire world. the united states commitment to nato is clear. as we speak, president trump and our administration are developing plans to ensure that the strongest military in the world, in the united states, becomes stronger still. let me assure you, mr. sec
manifested in brexit, and we respect the judgment of the peoples of europe in the european union. as i said today to many leaders, we look forward to working across the channel with all parties in the years ahead on behalf of peace and prosperity. i have heard exactly the same firm message from the president of the united states in two phone calls, from the vice president in meetings today in munich, and from secretary mattis and secretary kelly, they all conveyed the same message, that the united states is firmly committed to the trans-atlantic partnership, and have an unwavering support for the nato alliance. and i welcome the very clear statements from all leaders in the new administration, but also