out of your book title. i apologize. i want to talk about this trend of policing school libraries because it is not new. we ve seen this over decades. what s behind the moment that we find ourselves in, this new moral panic? we are witnessing the death rattle of white supremacy that has become the death march and this radicalized, weaponized minority. and so, we are seeing that hey if we can control power, we are going to attack freedoms. if we don t like the election, we are going to take over the capitol on january 6th. we ever going to completely reject the majority and put in our electors. we are going to intimidate school boards. we are going to intimidate health-care officials. by the way, guess what, if we don t like these books and they make us uncomfortable, you know what we are going to do? we are going to ban them and empower these right-wing parents in texas, in florida, in virginia to sue and intimidate these educators for books we don t like and look at the 800 books th
13% because of sexual education, not taught in all texas schools. mind you, these books are educational, not pornographic. i am enraged these harmless books are being attacked and i am not alone on this. joining our panel, he is also the author of the new book go back to where you came from. and other helpful recommendations on how to become american. raj, i almost took the satire out of your book title. i apologize. i want to talk about this trend of policing school libraries because it is not new. we ve seen this over decades. what s behind the moment that we find ourselves in, this new moral panic? we are witnessing the death rattle of white supremacy that has become the death march and this is part of the reclamation project for this radicalized, weaponized minority. who want white supremacy in america. and so, we are seeing that hey if we can control power, we are going to attack freedoms. if we don t like the election,