To the Nuclear Nonproliferation treaty the language that was in there about acquire some people quibble over, but their commitment to the npt was clear and i misspoke in that regard. Thank you. I appreciate your comment in response to questions from senator markly and others about keeping a seat at the table through the Paris Agreement and the general approach that suggests. I believe Climate Change is a major concern for us in the long term and the short term, and that its human caused and there are actions we can and should take in response to it as a trained chemist, i respect your training as an engineer, would urge you to be a Tttentive To T science because i think it is overwhelming to this point. I do think the jpoa structure, p 5 plus 1 that brought it into force and is enforcing it and the Paris Climate Agreement are two examples of tables where we should have a seat at the table and be advocates and be driving
it. I want to ask you about one other table that was literally des
Devised a simple way to remove a president if you disagree with him. Its called an election. We have one coming up in less than a year. Lets let the people decide this next november and i yield back. Gentleman yields back. Gentleman from new york. Madam speaker, i yield ament to the gentle lady from michigan, mrs. Talib. Gentle lady is recognized for a minute. I rise in support of impeachment. I learn so much every day from my residents at home. Their common sense of what is right and wrong is centered why they oppose any person using the most powerful position in the world for personal gain. We honor our veterans in this chamber almost on a daily basis. But do we ever follow their lead . Where we serve the people of the United States and uphold the constitution not as republicans or democrats but as americans. We should learn from their sense of duty and responsibility to
country and democracy, not political party. Doing nothing here, madam speaker, is not an option. Looking away from
country that s trying to keep covid out, and yet still stage a global sporting spectacle to wow the world. erin, that is the real channel, to portray this as an open, welcoming host city, when you re surrounded by barriers. we re seeing more and more broadcasters and personnels canceling plans to come here, in part because the realization is starting to hit. china s zero covid restrictions are like nothing else in the world. if you contract the virus, or you ve been in close contact, there is no challenging them. they can and most likely will put you in isolation. airen? it is incredible. just seeing your own streets it s unbelievable. thank you so much. and next, an attorney for victims of havana syndrome taking on the cia. how about a throwback? liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty only pay for what you need. liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty
more than 60,000 personnels still need to be vaccinated. there is new hope that the country is turning a corner on the pandemic. many of the key metrics from cases to hospitalizations and deaths all pointing in the right direction, down. this as merck seeks emergency use authorization for its new pill to treat covid. it could be a game changer. kathy parks reports. reporter: a breakthrough in treating covid. merck is applying for emergency use authorization for its new antiviral drug. the pill taken when symptoms began cuts the risk of deaths in half. marathon runners lining up for the first time since 2019 under strict new covid protocols.
«Il y a eu hier quelque 3.000 suspensions qui ont été signifiées à du personnel des établissements de santé ou médico sociaux qui n’étaient pas encore rentrés dans un parcours de vaccination», a annoncé jeudi le ministre français de la Santé Olivier Véran.