Team CANSUBFOR battled hard on March 13 against the Naval Fleet School (Pacific) (NFS(P)) team in a thrilling overtime win, securing the 3v3 Intermural Hockey Championship title for 2024. The team felt great support from all CANSUBFOR, many of whom came out to cheer on the team on their path to victory.
Competing in this race was a major accomplishment for the crew who hadn’t touched an oar before February, explained the Naval Warfare Officer of HMCS Venture.
Organized by Maritime Forces Pacific (MARPAC) Health and Wellness Strategy’s Organizational Wellness Working Group, the month’s activities aim to foster a healthy work environment, says Jessie Wyllie, Health Promotion Specialist at Personnel Support Programs (PSP).
The Harbour Cleanup event was part of the MARPAC Health and Wellness Strategy’s (MHWS) Healthy Workplace Month. It included five employees of the Port Operations and Emergency Services Branch (POESB).