Massachusetts has long been a national leader in solar adoption, thanks in large part to an innovative incentive program that drove early developments. But now, it’s a different narrative: there’s very little room on the electric grid for new projects to connect.
FITCHBURG A serendipitous find in an island cave located a world away resulted in the return of an artifact dating back to the second world war, after a diligent and ultimately successful search for its owner. The story of how a Marine’s boot tag that belonged to Joseph Alexander McLellan found its way from […]
ERVING Veterans gathered at the French King Restaurant on Wednesday to honor the lives lost at Pearl Harbor on the 81st anniversary of the attack.When the Japanese Navy launched a surprise attack on the U.S. naval base in Hawaii on the morning of.
ERVING Veterans gathered at the French King Restaurant on Wednesday to honor the lives lost at Pearl Harbor on the 81st anniversary of the attack.When the Japanese Navy launched a surprise attack on the U.S. naval base in Hawaii on the morning of.
ATHOL Several dozen people, including veterans and family members, active duty military personnel, and friends gathered in Memorial Hall at Athol Town Hall Friday to mark the 75th official celebration of what is now known as Veterans Day. Between.