Done him in and wake up the next morning and find that donald trump is Still Standing and running stronger than ever before, the man just does not quit. [applause] gov. Pence he is tough, he perseveres. He has gone about as far as you can go in business, but has never turned his back on the working men and women who make this country grow. [applause] to donald trump will never turn his back on those who serve and protect us at home and abroad. [applause] it has been a heartbreaking time for the women and men in our Law Enforcement community. In this time of great testing for them, lets let them know here and now all across this country, we will always stand the thine who stand on blue line of Law Enforcement in america. [applause] gov. Pence while donald trump was taking my measure as a possible running mate, i did some observing myself. I have seen the way he deals with people who work for him at every level and i have seen the way they feel about working for him. You, he can be a lit