The torch on to the next generation and say to them honestly, we did our job, now it is your turn. If you are in for that flight, i am in for that right. If you care that much about our state, so do i. Together, we can do this. Lets resolve to fix our problems honestly and fairly, and lets make this a better base for our children and grandchildren. Thank you all very much. [applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [applause] in a moment, well be live on pending iraqs elections. We plan to bring you that to you surely with the exception that the u. S. Ambassador to iraq is a little bit delayed. Will get to that shortly. Also coming up tonight, from the vail symposium, a discussion on genetically modified food. I will have an eastern right here on cspan that will at 8 00 p. M. Eastern right here on cspan. And here is a look at the symposium. Of all independent scientists i have interviewed him and they all