on democracy. yocau can see it in countriesca where the government tells you what books you can and cannot read . countries where if you dissent,e you get put to jail. countries where reporters are silenced is like. but it s hard to believe he really means that quote. i understand that democracy might not seem like a topack priority right now, said barack obama. obvia. obviously true. democracy is very much a top priority for so many americans this november. novem and that s why you re g record turnout in these midterm elections. d because voters are using the only power they have their ballots in our democracy to punish their reckless h theiand incompetent leaders and replace them with somebody else. so what you ar so what you ar unmistakably is democracy in action. y that would be very obvious to anyone who believes that democracvey means representatio, but to those who believe that democracy means supporting
0 run bath sheets, bath mats and towels, bathroom slippers and so much more to go to mypillow .com. i call the number on your screen. use your promo code and get deep discounts on all mypillow bath products, including our six piece. i ll set regular eighty nine ninety eight now only thirty nine . ninety six .ys rem get all your shopping in whileem quantities last. so please order now. good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. tonight, if you re an american, you probably assume there san a only one kind ofassume democrac the kind that you grew up with . that would be the democracy where citizens governh themselves through elected representatives chosen elpresentatives chosen and fair elections by secret ballot. in that kindt democracy, you get to elect anyone you want because it s your government. the country belongs to you. citz it s citizenens that s traditional american democracy.o it exists to serve you. the but that s not the only kind of democracy. there s also the soviet ve