that is that is our show for tonight. now it s time for the last word with lawrence o donnell. good evening, alex. you know it is friday night when i have not remembered to turn off my phone. weight, my phone rang during the show. that has happened to me but it won t happen tonight because it s fixed. it s been a long week. it has, and we are going to talk about the supreme court decisions and i need this because i don t know the difference between nitrous oxide and whatever the other thing is and so, which chris hayes and you both explained beautifully but neil is going to take me through it again. he is the guy to ■çhave. it s a very big day at the high court. i will be watching. okay, 24 hours later, if you are ready for some calm analysis about what we also last night, this is the place to be for the next hour. the very first thing you need to know about what we also last night is that most voters did not see it. it was the lowest rated presidential deb
alarmed democrats in panic mode after biden appears confused and unfocused and last night s presidential debate. we finally beat medicare. is right. he beat it to death. it was a slow start, there s no question about that, but i thought it was a strong finish. what kind of party does that? ■ç talk about a relatively small number of people that went to the capital and in many cases were ushered in by the police. mostly lying and without much fact checking. as the debate progressed he got more and more manic. just won two club championships. to do that, you have to be quite smart. i didn t have sex with the porn star. who wants to vote for the candidate for the debate he said i didn t have sex with the porn star. there is a recovery path. it s just going to be very challenging and rocky for the campaign. the choice in this election is simple. donald trump will destroy democracy. i will defend it. good evening■ç. once again what a week. i am stepha