President Bush should publicly support Russia's accession to theWTO by 2003 or 2004, provided its negotiations with the WTO in allsectors have been completed successfully. Russia's accession willfacilitate political and economic reforms and promote cooperationwith the United States and its allies in the war against terrorism.
news to dmitry medvedev with a new message for mitt romney. high winds drive a fire wild in the rockies. at least one person is dead. several more have lost their homes and danger is on the move. trayvon martin case. deeper the investigation goes, the more complicated it gets. there s only one truth but at least two conflicting witness stories about what happened. not a good time to be in the pink slime business. first the public recoils and then stores stop selling it and plant stops making it. today is the day there could be fireworks at the u.s. supreme court. two years in the making. the key and most controversial part of president obama s health care law put to the test. we begin with the russian president. he s not happy with republican presidential candidate mitt romney. he made that very clear this morning in south korea telling romney to listen to reason when talking about russia. dmitry medvedev is apparently upset romney called russia our number one geopo