expected to take place sometime this week. 60 votes are needed to overcome republican efforts to block the measure. here s athena jones with more on jobs bill and earth whether it ever pass. reporter: putting americans back to work is president obama s priority. say we can grow the economy as much as 2%, and as many as 1.9 million workers. reporter: he s been pushing the plan everywhere. at a press conference last week, on the road, on facebook and twitter, and in his weekly address. this is not the time for the usual games or political gridlock in washington. reporter: the bill would cut payroll taxes, extend unemployment benefits, give tax credits for hiring veterans or the long-term unemployed and provide money to keep public workers on the job and invest in rebuilding schools and road and paid for with a 5.6% tax on income over $1 million starting in 2013. the political stakes for mr. obama are high. no president since franklin roosevelt has bun re-elected with
and he did it in perry s home state. thank you. thank you. during a speech to the veterans of foreign wars convention in san antonio, romney pointed to his own business resume and then took a shot at people he called career politicians. i m a conservative businessman. i spent most of my life outside politics. dealing with real problems in the real economy. career politicians got us into this mess, and they simply don t know how to get us out. get ready for even more romney versus perry. late this afternoon we learned romney has changed his mind, and now has decided to attend a candidate forum on monday in south carolina. rick perry, of course, has already announced he ll be there. and here to talk over the latest developments, cnn political contributor and republican consultant alex castellanos who advised the romney campaign in 2007 and 2008. democratic pollster cornell belcher who worked for the obama campaign in 2008 and david frum, a former speechwriter for pres