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Transcripts For SFGTV 20120918

stories. some say a map president chiu: ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting. madam clerk, could you please call the roll. supervisor avalos, present. supervisor campos, present. president chiu, present. supervisor chu, present. supervisor cohen, present. supervisor elsbernd, present. supervisor farrell, present. supervisor kim, present. supervisor mar, absent. supervisor olague, present. supervisor wiener, present. mr. president, you have a quorum. president chiu: thank you. ladies and gentlemen, given that it is september 11, 2012, i d like to ask that we take a moment of silence to remember the victims of 9/11. president chiu: thank you very much. if you could please join me in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. president chiu: colleagues, we have our july


Transcripts For SFGTV 20120916

are not going to find a lot of owners willing to do this. what we are really talking about is extending a 25% tax to small owners. i think you are better off carving out the five units or less and exempting them from this tax completely. thank you. katherine roberts from san francisco apartment association member. it is wonderful organization. they have helped me with a ton of stuff. i m eternally grateful to them for lots of things. this is actually the second time today i have disagreed on a policy issue. i m really opposed to this legislation. i think it is a terrible idea for a lot of reasons. i have no parking in my building. but it took me five years literally to even find a house in the neighborhood that didn t have parking on the ground floor. i live in upper haight, a 100-plus year old neighborhood. almost none were built with garages, so any time there is a garage it s been converted. and they destroyed the front gardens, destroyed trees, destroyed on-street publi


Transcripts For SFGTV 20120916

committees because you will have the same issue. everything that we have and everything that everybody else has and see how they can be integrated and what we want to have and what. and i actually think that is a mistake that we made is that we said, okay, let s just try to integrate what we have and then we have a huge amount of stuff and we are unable to make a huge amount of judgments i think that you need the staff work first. i think that we will as the chair or the present request that staffing of chose committees look at those particular policies. so, are there any other standing members report? i don t think so. if you have a date of your next meeting, please announce it. so, personnel labor will meet on the 26th of september. starting at 6:00 p.m. anybody else? commissioner? september 17th meeting of building and grounds has been canceled due to rosh hashana and so we will convene on october 15th. commissioner? yes, the curriculum program committee


Transcripts For SFGTV 20120912

gentlemen, welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting. madam clerk, could you please call the roll. supervisor avalos, present. supervisor campos, present. president chiu, present. supervisor chu, present. supervisor cohen, present. supervisor elsbernd, present. supervisor farrell, present. supervisor kim, present. supervisor mar, absent. supervisor olague, present. supervisor wiener, present. mr. president, you have a quorum. president chiu: thank you. ladies and gentlemen, given that it is september 11, 2012, i d like to ask that we take a moment of silence to remember the victims of 9/11. president chiu: thank you very much. if you could please join me in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. president chiu: colleagues, we have our july 31 board meeting minutes. motion by supervisor campos


Transcripts For SFGTV 20120912

gentlemen, welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting. madam clerk, could you please call the roll. supervisor avalos, present. supervisor campos, present. president chiu, present. supervisor chu, present. supervisor cohen, present. supervisor elsbernd, present. supervisor farrell, present. supervisor kim, present. supervisor mar, absent. supervisor olague, present. supervisor wiener, present. mr. president, you have a quorum. president chiu: thank you. ladies and gentlemen, given that it is september 11, 2012, i d like to ask that we take a moment of silence to remember the victims of 9/11. president chiu: thank you very much. if you could please join me in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. president chiu: colleagues, we have our july 31 board meeting minutes. motion by supervisor campos


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