Das durchwachsene Wetter hat der Polizei in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern einen vergleichsweise ruhigen Herrentag beschert. In Güstrow aber lösten die Beamten eine illegale Party auf und trafen dabei auf Widerstand.
reporter: a bipartisan group of members on the hill are calling for a congressional review, and earlier today, ernest said it s unlike he the entirety of the russia-relited material becomes declassified for the rest of the public to see. what else are we hearing from trump s team on the matter? reporter: mr. trump s advisers are certainly following his lead on this one, pushing back very, very hard on this story. for example, earlier today, the transition spokesperson, jason miller, called it an attempt to delegitimatize mr. trump s victory, he said, quote, first after the election, it was the recount nonsense. then the discussion of the popular vote. now it s anonymous, off the record sources with conflicting information, trying to raise other issues. end quote. to put on top of that. kellyanne conway said, for some this is just an excuse for hillary clinton s loss and she said,en insult to mr. trump s victory. blake berman in washington to be clear and rerepeat, this the