In The League: Former NCHSAA players named Pro Bowlers, Crowder and Jets upset Rams
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Jamison Crowder s receiving helped the Jets defeat the Rams in upset fashion while several other North Carolina high school football alumni turned in strong performances in Week 15 of the NFL season.
Show Transcript
Hello, everyone. Welcome back to high school. T in the league. This is our weekly show. We talked about all the former North Carolina high school football players who are playing in the NFL. We have a lot of that. We have over 50 that do it regularly. Um, we ve exciting week this week. I ll, uh, in more ways than one. We ll get to our big Jets upset quickly here, but I want to hear about how you enjoyed this week of action. Things is a good week. I think the one o clock Sunday window was a little weak. The four o clock window with the Eagles, Cardinals and the Stains Chiefs was really good prime ti