coming out. and because of the way he treated it, i m going to offer up a prediction for two months now he ll be dealing with it going forward. yes. i think that s one of the questions is it s not a one-day story. i think that is the question, is i think what we saw with now i should say newt gingrich s personal history is not a secret. it s not new ref layings. but to make a comparison to earlier in the primary, when herman cain, when the allegations first came forth which were new as far as most people knew, the immediate affect was to rally around him. it was only after the drip, drip, drip of multiple accusers. i wonder whether the rally around effect is short live or something he can keep going? the difference is people already worked through a lot of this. they ve already come up with their rationalizations. he begged forgiveness. some christian conservatives have started making king david analogies. david was also very flawed and did terrible things but was