Animated short “Les Chaussures de Louis (Louis’ Shoes)” took home the 2021 VIEW Award grand prize following the VIEW Conference in Turin, Italy. The five-minute film was created by Marion Philippe, Kayu Leung, Jean-Geraud Blanc, and Theo Jamin of MoPA in Arles, France, in their last year as students. The film follows a young boy with autism introducing himself to classmates at his new school. Jury members lauded the film for its unique voice. “We don’t look at ‘Louis’ from the outside; we enter
The ninth edition of the Ajyal Film Festival presented by the Doha Film Institute (DFI), taking place from November 7 to 13, will feature an inspirati.
The ninth edition of the Ajyal Film Festival, presented by the Doha Film Institute (DFI), taking place from November 7 to 13, will feature an inspirational
UAE-based Safa Azarayesh’s Childhood Trauma, that is competing in the GCC Short Films category, was scheduled to have its world premiere on Monday. The thought-provoking film will compel you to connect the dots between childhood trauma and adulthood.