Parent im pleased to introduce the parents of two children to the monroe elementary charles your experience about kindergarten to college. Thank you Jose Cisneros my wife sabrina works at monroe my children in second grade and my daughter in kindergarten were proud today to represent this vibrant and Diverse Community family to be striving to have their children go to college frequently the first generations to go to college i appreciated how to work are these to make that a reaching of arraignment for all children general Public Comment start for our family and outline e all families whether we begin to plan for college or not Kiddie College is getting our children to college at the starting line for dlej this may find us with their matching program incentivizing and rewarded benchmark amounts we have friends with kids in college we recognize the College Funding that if placed we know how much college cost and the 20 years since mooifrns e my wife and i went to college any College Cos
Information, compiled for the 2015, pointintime, Homeless Count. Thank you, and so colleagues, today i asked for this hearing, to take place, to discuss our recently completed and released 2015, point in Time Homeless count here in San Francisco. As many of you are aware, the Homeless Count occurs every two years, in order to receive, federal funds to address, homelessness here locally. Back . January, i joined the city staff and the nonprofit partners to participate in the count and the white house, chief of staff came out as well and the results were just released publicly in july. And the results of the count, which we will discuss, in detail, today, provide some optimism, but also, show the way of a much more work to do ahead of us to reduce the homelessness here. And the stats in july shows that we continue to make the progress in the homeless, and we are on the way of achieving and 2015. But the count revealed that the population is older and a higher rate of Substance Abuse and
Direction towards sixth avenue. The original camera then shows him walking eastbound and changes direction when he sees morris. Morris wrote, had i crossed the street this could have been avoided. This street in particular i think is a little worse than other ones. Reporter she works near the crime scene and says she often feels unsafe in the area. I would never think Something Like that would happen but now to think i could walk out of my office and just be slashed is not great. Reporter in morris case, police say she was on the way to work at whole foods on 24th and 7th. Police are still searching for the suspect. They describe him as a black man, 20 to 30 years old roughly 510 tall and he was wearing a red jacket with green hood, black pants, white sneakers. He may be homeless. A 2,500 reward is now being offered for that mans arrest. As for morery, she says she had a bad feeling about him as she approached him and now urges others to trust their instincts and never be put in becaus
Session. Welcome back, members. Mdm. Clerk, please call the roll thank you madame president supervisor avalos present; pres. Breed here;; compost present; christiansen present cohen, present farrell, present; kimpresent some; mar not present tang present wienerpresent emacpresent you have a quorum thank you. Ladies and gentlemen can you please join us in the pledge of allegiance. [pleage of allegiance] thank you madam clerk are there any communications or yes mdm. Pres. This medication is meant to inform the public that the board of supervisors has expanded its existing Language Access Services Program by authorizing the office of the clerk of the board to enter into an abortive partnership with the office of Civic Engagement and immigrant affairs. For an 11 Month Pilot Program beginning september 1, 2015 and lasting through july 31, 2015. During that time, the staff will provide spanish and Chinese Interpretation Services upon request and every regular and special board of supervisors
The city of San Francisco sfgtv meeting for the rules committee for march 26, 2014 will begin shortly. The city of San Francisco sfgtv meeting for the rules committee for september 9, 2015 will begin shortly. Good morning. Today is september 9, 2015. Welcome to the rules committee of the San Francisco board of supervisors. My name is john avalos, chair of the committee and to my right is katy tang and to my left is president london breed who is here in place of supervisor cohen. Our clerk today is alisa somera and the meeting is brought by sfgtv. Madam clerk do we have any announcements . S yes, please silent all cell phones and documents should be submitted to the clerk. Items will be on the september 22 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Great. Thank you. First could we have a motion to excuse supervisor cohen. So moved. And seconded by supervisor breed and take that without objection and item 1. Item 1 is a motion of reappointment to have bryant tan for the Success