The brand announced its telehealth debut with the launch of its Clearstem Acne Lab Test, which assesses biomarkers in blood to identify consumers unique root cause(s) of acne for personalized treatment.
Research published in Biomedicines presents evidence that serpinins are a constituent of sensory innervation in the skin, making them a potentially interesting target.
Kao and Tsukuba Univ. Scientists Devise Technique to Visualize the Depths of Skin Wrinkling January 11, 2021 Contact Author Rachel Grabenhofer
Joint research from Kao Corp. and the Computational Optics Group at the University of Tsukuba aims to uncover deep insights on wrinkle formation utilizing a non-invasive imaging technique known as Jones matrix-optical coherence tomography (JM-OCT).
According to the authors, with further improvement, this method could help to elucidate the relationship between wrinkles and deep structural changes in the various layers of skin. Initial results were published in
As Kao explained, previous researchers have indicated that the process of wrinkle formation is influenced by structural changes in the tissue density and collagen fibers of each of the skin layers. This is due to various factors such as aging and chronic exposure to ultraviolet light. However, the extent to which these structural changes in each tiss