foreign policy. an in the wall street journal he said about president obama, by failing to maintain the elements of our influence and by stepping away from aur allies press has heightened the prospect of conflict and instability. he does not understand that an american policy that lacks resolve can provoke aggression and encourage disorder. governor romney will be talking a lot more about this next week. he s planning a big foreign policy speech. while this week s debate is all about domestic policy, the vice aldebate and the following two presidential debates will also include foreign policy. gregg: good stuff. john roberts live in denver. thanks very much. jenna: as john was mentioning foreign policy might not play a big role in the debates but events in libya, syria, iran and afghanistan certainly are all in the headlines right now. john roberts showed us a little bit about governor romney s op-ed that was published in the wall street journal. he says, amid this upheaval