coca-cola,ç whose noble histor includes a so-called soft drink laced with cocaine, which is how coca-cola got its name, has now added to its pride-filled history losing its lobbying power to kill the new healthier regulations for the school lunch program. there is no company in the world that can claim more credit than coca-cola for pushing the american childhood obesity rate above 30%. just fyi on this thing. in japan where parents not as likely to allow coca-cola into their homes, the obesity rate is 10%. the pizza racket in this country, even without herman cain lobbying for them anymore, is a force to be reckoned with. it has some of the most inventive lobbyists in history. that is why under the current school lunch regulations, pizza is classified as a vegetable.
before. he was paid a self-renewing monthly retainer from 25,0002 t 30,000. they consulted with freddie mac to expand homeownership, an idea freddie mac s chief lobbyist said he pitched to president george w. bush s white house. an associated press report published this afternoon added he was hired to strategyize with his employer about identifying political friends on capitol hill who would help the company through a very difficult legislative environment. in other words, he was a lobbyist. in the meet the press weekly press pass david gregory asked washington s most corrupt lobbyist of our time, jackç abm hoff to clarify what he thinks gingrich was doing. it is corruption.