andrea: the mistake is portraying findings as a gotcha moment against democrats. greg: this is what the democrats want. not a scandal. it s a press release. this is obama s space program. guaranteed a future for every presidential candidate being a progressive. because you can t find your dealer. eric: how about this kimberly: a great point. why would they if they have no intention to get rid of him. we re all selecting stuff. eric: stay with you here. look, these people, makers, pay taxes. they pay $2.3 trillion in taxes a year. these takers take $2.5 trillion a year. so they are taking more than the total kimberly: than what they are making. eric: forget defense. they re paying the tax revenue. kimberly: this is obvious. anybody can figure it out. this is basic seventh grade math. you can t take out more than you are putting in. we are on the persistent and
visual vetoing that bob: you think it s bad at it is. it s not comfortable all the way around for a lot of people. i think biden will exercise some influence here and there will be a way out. kimberly: somebody better do something fast. i m telling you, like the nature channel around here from the crickets, crickets, crickets. obama is not saying anything about it. greg: the real issue is the economy. finally obama has good news. and he is wasting time on this. this is what an ideal logg looks like idealogue looks like. eric: there it is. there it is. bob: let me finish saying this. this is something that to us is absolutely sacrosanct. it goes beyond what dolan says. kimberly: birth control pills? bob: am with s right to have access to this is not a right, it s not a quality. it s a right. and they have the right to kimberly: coloring the
catholic church being told they have to provide the services. bob: the catholic church has been exempted from this. eric: they can take their name off the notre dame university and take their name off the hospital. kimberly: we re going to bring in the high school expert. from the bay area, happy to have greg gutfeld joining us today. a proud alumni from right? one of my favorite bay area schools. you followed the issue for what? 20 years. greg: 20 years now. i have a joke for you. what do you get when you cross feminist with a fetus? a feminist. kimberly: okay. that is a tie for last place as the knock-knock one. bob: are you kidding me? greg: a couple of interesting things going on. originally, this controversy, i had it up there with solyndra. and fast and furious. it doesn t mean anything until democrats get involved. kaine, manchin and nelson in nebraska, all from major swing
was appointed by charlie christ. out of line. eric: can t put his hands on a woman. there shouldn t be no prior. what? i think the judge should be kimberly: judges are supposed to attend domestic violence sensitivity training and be aware of how to handle this. mandatory arrest. eric: do you have a daughter, judge? if someone put their hands on your daughter, would you have the same ruling and give them red lobster dinner and night bowling with your daughter? bob: this is terrible. when you said putting your hands on somebody is different than punching. have you ever put your hands on your date? eric: hands around her neck. bob: around her neck. okay. fine. i understand that. andrea: you take all of your dates to red lobster, don t you? bob: another place i never been. what is the coffee place again? greg: who cares, bob?
from our story to shoes. can we get back to the story? kimberly: it s not appropriate. it s not appropriate. andrea: this story makes me really sad. wife wanted her husband to wish her a happy birthday and he wouldn t do it. so they got in a dispute. i guess he chokes her, throws her over the couch. there is a domestic violence issue. now the judge who they say he is a character, there is rumors he wants his own reality show or judge show is ordering this very kookie punishment and making it sill silly. downplaying domestic violence. bob: my former wife is a professional golfer and came at me with a 9-iron. eric: we are making light of something. bob: i m not making light of that at all. eric: the judge, they should throw him off the bench for this. mockery of kimberly: he is on the bench until 2016 because he