20/11/2023 - The winning projects include The Elf by Hannes Vartiainen and Joonas Berghäll, Mamífera by Liliana Torres, and Southern Chronicles by Ignas Miškinis, among others
25/11/2022 - The winners of Tallinn Black Nights’ industry section include Blindsight by Ruslan Batytskyi and Black Velvet by Liene Linde, among others
25/11/2022 - The winners of Tallinn Black Nights’ industry section include Blindsight by Ruslan Batytskyi and Black Velvet by Liene Linde, among others
ORPC Canada today announced it is launching its first hydrokinetic power system in Canada called the RivGen Power System which generates proven, emission-free electricity from free-flowing rivers and tidal currents.