what debris from that plane would be most telling to you or an accident investigator beyond the black boxes. what would you most want to retrieve? the inside of the aircraft. pieces from the interior of the aircraft. why? my suspicion is that the lithium batteries is what s caused this and the gasses from that are very specific. they re hydrogen, chloride gasses with sulfuric acid mixed. it s been throughout the cockpit. it s the only thing in my mind that would have debilitated the crew and passengers. are there aspects from this aircraft more likely to float than of ners? flight control surface, specifically the interior elevator would be a nice square piece if it were upside-down it would be similar to the square one that we saw yesterday. but i don t have a scale so i can t really those photographs are difficult because you don t have a scale like you do with the satellite so it s difficult for me at this point with the information i have to identify those parts. with