Deepak Kesarkar also confirmed that his department has information about 186 illegal schools running in the jurisdiction of Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC). “Of the 186, we have shut down 14 illegal schools running in the BMC jurisdiction. Our department is still investigating the status of 172 schools.
Noida News: Education Department has issued a warning to 10 schools in selected sectors of Noida as they do not have proper registration; these schools may be shut down by the govt. - Noida Schools In These Areas Warned For Working Without Registration, Officials Provide 1 Week Before Shutting Them Down
At the same time, the education department has appealed to the parents to admit their wards in civic schools instead of seeking admission in schools which do not have PCMC permission.
Activists allege 47 illegal schools in Thane are fully functioning and express fears that they might admit unsuspecting students for even the upcoming academic year