March 29 is the date set aside annually to honor Vietnam Veterans. This year the Arkansas Society and the Harrison Colony Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, partnered with the Jordan Milam Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, to honor their chapter members who were veterans of the Vietnam War and to properly welcome them home.
Harrison Colony Chapter, NSDAR, is in their third year of partnership with Wreaths Across America and honoring 84 veterans whom are interred in Rose Hill Cemetery. National wreath laying day is Dec. 16. Prior to the laying of the wreaths, there will be a short ceremony beginning at 11 a.m. at Rose Hill Cemetery located at Hwy. 7 and Prospect in downtown Harrison. Boy Scout Troop 60 will serve as honor guards and present the flags. Boone County Quorum Court JP and Vietnam and Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran, Fred Woehl, will be the moderator. Commemorative wreaths will be placed for the military branches as follows: