with jon huntsman. i m wolf blitzer, you re in the situation room. the first primary beghaj at midnight in new hampshire. most polls close three hours from now. we ll have complete coverage. here is what we re watching for. first, mitt romney s margin of victory. final polls show him with a nearly 20-point lead. if romney wins big he may see almost invincible heading into south carolina. if he doesn t win big, he may seem beatable, at least some experts predict. second, who comes in second, jon huntsman gambled on a good showing in new hampshire. he has the chance to show he s a viable candidate. they play very well among many in new hampshire, and could help him emerge as the anti-romney candidate. finally, independenting can stroh in this open primary, so how will they vote? they may decide the winner, who will that signal for next november? we re watching all of this unfold. new hampshire state officials are expecting a record turnout of a quarter million prima
the main thing is to keep the main thing the main tinge. that line appears in a profile of mississippi governor hallie barber in the conservative weekly standard. it turns out the main thing is hallie barber trying to e haley bauer boyer. he seemed to essentially say, sure, the civil rights movement, that was fine. this is going to be bad news for the mississippi governor. governor of mississippi, outgoing chair of the republican governors association, potential contender for candidate caught in a lie about his state s racist history. the thee is, he with, it wasn t that bad.
here in new york city is tomorrow night. we are so looking forward to it. the last word with lawrence o donnell starts right now. the main thing is to keep the main thing the main tinge. that line appears in a profile of mississippi governor hallie barber in the conservative weekly standard. it turns out the main thing is hallie barber trying to ehaley bauer boyer. he seemed to essentially say, sure, the civil rights movement, that was fine. this is going to be bad news for the mississippi governor. governor of mississippi, outgoing chair of the republican governors association, potential contender for candidate caught in a lie about his state s