Willmar is a great destination for those who like to take leisurely strolls or bike rides. Willmar has a number of unique trails. From dirt pathways to smooth pavement, connect with the city, its historical sites and even the state trail system along the marked routes in and near the city.
Willmar has become a great place for those who like to walk or bike. City trails and bike routes offer a unique vantage point of the city including both its natural and historic resources. Newly marked bike routes will make it easier for people to get around and more are on the way.
Biking advocates continue to work hard to make Willmar into a safe and fun biking community. The city already offers a bike share program and miles of bike trails and lanes.
The Willmar City Council has approved new bike and pedestrian routes that will be signed throughout the city. The new map is the conclusion of a lot of work from the Willmar Bikes group, including Chris Radel who based the new routes on the Beijing subway system.