that s what s been happening with a lot of these green energy products. their technology is so speculative, it doesn t exist at a potential comcial level, and we re bet commercial level. jon: again, some fascinating details in this piece on the front page of today s wall street journal. paul gigot, you can catch more of paul tomorrow. he hosts the journal editorial report 2 p.m. eastern time here on fox. jenna: well, mitt romney using gotcha tactics on the campaign trail? we re going to take a closer look at the effectiveness as the former massachusetts governor s latest strategy. plus, if this alarm clock doesn t get you out of bed, we promise nothing will. [laughter] wait until you hear how it works. it s pretty incredible. the inventer joins us next.
with jon huntsman. i m wolf blitzer, you re in the situation room. the first primary beghaj at midnight in new hampshire. most polls close three hours from now. we ll have complete coverage. here is what we re watching for. first, mitt romney s margin of victory. final polls show him with a nearly 20-point lead. if romney wins big he may see almost invincible heading into south carolina. if he doesn t win big, he may seem beatable, at least some experts predict. second, who comes in second, jon huntsman gambled on a good showing in new hampshire. he has the chance to show he s a viable candidate. they play very well among many in new hampshire, and could help him emerge as the anti-romney candidate. finally, independenting can stroh in this open primary, so how will they vote? they may decide the winner, who will that signal for next november? we re watching all of this unfold. new hampshire state officials are expecting a record turnout of a quarter million prima
the casey anthony case is back in action at the moment, after the judge scold dollars the attorneys for what he called gotcha tactics, then abruptly canceled court for the entire day. what do we expect now? is this whole thing heading for a mistrial as some wonder? we ll talk to the judge about that in a bit. in the meantime the clock is ticking but no deal on the table to tackle our debt. several senators say they have a plan. it s called cut, cap and balance. huh? is this thing going to work? we ll talk about it. bill: christy is at it again. wait until you heard what his answer was to a woman christie is at it again. wait until you heard this response. it s classic christie. i m fighting now because now is the time that matters most in new jersey s future. we are teterring on the edge of disaster.