Yes get. I knOw. AwesOme. Thank yOu. In all hOnesty, thIs success Is gettIng kInd Of bOrIng. Happy mOnday, everyOne. SO thIs frIdayIn, JOker TwO arrIves In Theaters and Its abOut a Mentally Ily Mn Man WhO TerrOrIzes SOcIety wIth hIs mentally unstable female sIdekIck. Terr Or but mOsT Of yOu have alreas seen It. Yeah, yOu saw thaT One cOmIng. That was after The crOwds lIke, Oh, here we gO. GO earlIer tOday, presIdent bIden delIvered remarks On The devastatIOn caused by hurrIcane aIleen helene. He cOmfOrted vIctImsd re by Theh Of hOw he Once survIved a flOOd In an are c. RepOrtedly, TIm Walz Is nervOus abOut tOmOrrOws. TOmOrrOw nIghts vIc E PresIdent Ial debate. He has been thIs nervOus sInce that tIme. He ran OuT Of tampOn al debats. TampOn Jen PsakI tOld yOung dOug that he has, quOte, reshaped The perceptIOn Of masculInIty. Thats true. Back In The Old days, a guy lIke that mIght have talked The Nann A Quy KeepIng The baby. Ke Oh. ArcheOlOgIsts In chIna have a 3600 year Old mummy that w
[applause] greg: yes! yes! i know. Awesome, thank you. In all honesty this success is getting kind of boring. [laughter] happy monday, everyone. This friday joker number 2 arrives in theatres and it is about a mentally ill man who terrorizes society with his mentally unstable female sidekick. But most if you have already seen it. You saw that one coming. Had the crowds like here we go. Earlier today president biden delivered remarks on the devastation caused by hurricane helene. He comforted victims by reminding them how he wants once survived the flood in an arc. Reportedly tim walz is nervous about tomorrow night s presidential debate. He has not been this nervous scents that time he ran out of tampons. Doug emhoff was told that he has a quote, reshape the perception of masculinity. In those days a guy like that might have talked to the into keeping the baby. [laughter] archaeologists in china have discovered a 36yearold mommy buried with pieces of cheese. One ticket to china, please
together to help the family to get back on their feet. and who are you going to call? these ghost busting ladies. paul the new director of the ghostbuster reboot tweeted out this photo of the all female cast. clayton, do you want to take it? leslie jones alyssa mccartney, kate mckinnon decked out in full uniform and of course they have their proton packs on. earlier in the week we saw a new photo of the car. film will hit theaters next july. question whether any of the original cast of the ghostbuster the men might make an appearance. we know that tatum is in the film. remember we talked with it in an earlier segment no gender anymore. for a look at the weather head out to rick reichmuth. how is it feeling out there