Because there is a food shortage crisis coupled with an agriculture laborer shortage, experts believe farms and immigrant workers are the key to agriculture success and solving the food shortage.
Because there is a food shortage crisis coupled with an agriculture laborer shortage, experts believe farms and immigrant workers are the key to agriculture success and solving the food shortage.
here s the month over month chart for the last few months. the consumer price index was up 8.2% in 2022, in line with what we ve seen the last few months before the invasion. food and energy continue to drive this increase, and in some ways, energy is connected to the food increase. gasoline and fuel oil prices were both up over 6.5%, and of course both are actually being exacerbated by the global energy uncertainty. take away the commodities of food and energy, inflation still grew 0.5% last month because of increases in the costs of shelter, recreation, turn cher and other things. this is still part of the covid sort of comeback, if you will. gas prices may be causing prices to pop out of the page, inflation is still up. still to come, vice president harris heads to poland to see the escalating refugee crisis first hand and meets with the canadian prime minister justin trudeau.
concerned about inflation reminding him of the 1970s when rising prices crippled the economy. you were working here in the 70s for your parents. right. that s correct. you saw a lot of customers suffering. we saw a lot of suffering. prices were going high. it was brutal for everybody. in the pastier americans saw the price of food increase by 6%. the price of used cars increased by 26%. the price of gas skyrocketed by close to 40%. so is this the 70s? yes and no. there is an economist with the libertarian cato institute and acknowledges the november 6.8% increase in the consumer price index is large and somewhat alarming. in the 70s you were getting these type of increases year after year for over a decade. that s right. you had an average rate of over 7% between 1970 and 1980.