Delayed after the murder of George Floyd, this show has now arrived in Britain accompanied by warnings. Our critic revels in the American’s cartoonish renderings of everyday objects – and the hate groups lurking in our midst
A zeal for treasure-hunting goes a long way toward explaining Lyman Orton’s hobby (OK, obsession) for the past 45 years: Tracking down the art of Vermont that has left the state and bringing it back home.
Of the many lessons to be drawn from the last decades’ battles over climate policy, one is that yelling at people about data doesn’t tend to make them do something about it. Scientists have produced a steady drumbeat of ever-scarier numbers since the 1980s, detailing the horrors to expect as temperatures rise. Many of those horrors are coming to life; July may well have been the hottest month earth has seen in 120,000 years. Despite this crush of evidence and growing public awareness, government