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President ial term, Mikhail Mishustin is again Prime Minister, in the nwo promotion zone. This is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. Good evening, watch now. The new government of russia, Mikhail Mishustin, Prime Minister. And who will become deputy Prime Ministers and ministers in the state duma today . All day consultations, victory parade on red square, through a blizzard and gale force wind, power our partisans blow up four the supports and bridges near the village were browned, and how the russian partisans in italy, where their memory is still honored, brought the victory over fascism closer. He adored russians as a partisan, because there were Many Russians in his brigade. The exercise of russias Nonstrategic Nuclear forces in response to the wests plans to destroy our country. So what awaits britain, france and the usa if they now dont believe their eyes . It will lead you to consequences that you have never encountered in your history. 20 years since the assassinati