get there. i m wolf blitzer, you re in the situation room. mitt romney certainly had big wins on super tuesday. the gop frond runter won six states and padded his lead in delegates, but ohio was very, very close. rick santorum captured three states, while newt gingrich also had a win. romney has not put his rivals out of business, as republicans grow concerned about a drawnout race, the candidates are calling on one another to quit. here s jim acosta. reporter: wolf, with team santorum telling newt gingrich to drop out and team romney telling everybody to drop out, it s starting to feel lie deja vu all over again. falling short of expectations on super tuesday and facing what could now be a mad scramble for delegates to win the nomination, mitt romney is urging the gop to stay calm. you know, when we have a nominee, we will come together, because because barack obama has organized a conservative community. let s put it that way. holding a command been lead, they r
in just a few hours results will start coming in from today s republican triple-header caucuses in colorado, minnesota and a primary in missouri up for grabs. dozens of delegates, but perhaps more importantly momentum. the front-runner mitt romney s campaign is anticipating a potential setback as his rivals look for an opportunity. our jim acosta is in denver. reporter: we re going to turn around and look at this screen back here, because mitt romney will talk to us from his bus. reporter: with a snowstorm slowing him down, he ran about an hour later, so he skyped to the crowd, a sign that not everything was going his way on this caucus day. colorado has something to say about who our nominees will be, and i think i will be that nominee. a strategy memo was released. saying the campaign is anticipating possibly a loss. we expect our opponents to notch a few wins, too. the memo red cued newt gingrich s plans to boasting romney would triumph in the west, suggesting
with jon huntsman. i m wolf blitzer, you re in the situation room. the first primary beghaj at midnight in new hampshire. most polls close three hours from now. we ll have complete coverage. here is what we re watching for. first, mitt romney s margin of victory. final polls show him with a nearly 20-point lead. if romney wins big he may see almost invincible heading into south carolina. if he doesn t win big, he may seem beatable, at least some experts predict. second, who comes in second, jon huntsman gambled on a good showing in new hampshire. he has the chance to show he s a viable candidate. they play very well among many in new hampshire, and could help him emerge as the anti-romney candidate. finally, independenting can stroh in this open primary, so how will they vote? they may decide the winner, who will that signal for next november? we re watching all of this unfold. new hampshire state officials are expecting a record turnout of a quarter million prima