Threat. James comey better hope there are no tapes of our conversation before he starts leaking to the press. The genesis of this appeared to to be an article in the New York Times today suggesting that james comey had been asked by the president during one of their conversations, might have been dinner here at the white house earlier in the year to pledge loyalty to the president. Now, the president denied to our judge Jeanine Pirro today that he ever asked that question. But it seems that the president maybe got an idea that james comey was leaking the contents of some of their conversation. And then that would go to the idea that the president had said that the fbi director told him on three occasions that he was not under investigation in connection with with the russia investigation at the fbi. Of course, this is all a very big topic of conversation. The questioning at the detailingly briefing today. Lets watch this exchange between my colleague from reuters and sean spicer. I ass