Chilean author Isabel Allende’s recent proclamation, “I was a feminist in kindergarten,” is a reminder of how our formative years can define us.
As a centuries-old industry, advertising has far outgrown preschool, but there is still much to learn and action to be delivered. We cannot ignore the impact of the global pandemic in deepening the existing fault lines within our societies. It has forced us to confront lived realities such as gender and structural inequalities, alarming spikes in domestic abuse, and the intersectional complexities facing our colleagues and neighbours.
In our social media-led world, awareness moments like Women’s History Month serve as great reminders of how far we have come from the dark ages, but also remind the industry of how far we have to go. Looking beyond the annual buzz around these moments is the compelling need to recall and be guided by our industry pledge to create equal opportunities and remember what we gain when women t