curiosity and at worse a way to work in advance the white house s narrative. congressman eric swal swallow, thank you very much. my pleasure. and a list of charges against campaign officials in the first round of indictments in the russia investigation. former water gate prosecutor joining me next, here on andrea mitchell reports. stay with us. at ally, we offer a credit card with unlimited cash back. but if that s not enough, we offer a 10% deposit bonus into an ally account. and if that s not enough to help you save, we could help you cut the cord. that s right. cancel it. what about my reality shows? ok, if that s not enough, we ll give you reality. this is too real! maybe a comedy? alright, how about a comedian? arsenio? ain t nothing funny about laundry! we ll do anything, seriously anything, to help your money grow. people just walking in my house. ally. do it right. hi, i m the internet! you know what s dtj! get a job!ting. hi, guys. i m back. time to slay!