LOCK HAVEN Julie Brennan spent the past eight years as the Clinton County Economic Partnership’s tireless Chamber/Tourism Director, retiring a few mont
PHOTO PROVIDED For the comfort and convenience of fairgoers, the Clinton County Fair Association has purchased three new, portable and large sets of bleachers
MILL HALL Keystone Central School District has announced a collaboration with the Clinton County Fair Association to host exciting Student Showcases at each
LANA MUTHLER lmuthler@lockhaven.com
Members of the Clinton County Community Foundation board allocated nearly $300,000 to local agencies and organizations on Wednesday. Board members are, from left, front, Stuart Hall, Doug Miller, Rick Riccardo, Dennis Trout and Don Grant. Back row, Darlene Weaver, Michele Terry, Lana Muthler, Allan Lugg. Absent from the meeting was Elizabeth Arnold.
LOCK HAVEN The Clinton County Community Foundation doled out almost $300,000 to community organizations at its annual meeting on Wednesday. The Foundation’s board reviewed each of the 62 grant applications that totaled $440,812 and discussed their intended uses before making final decisions totaling $296,939.