Announcer shortly after those remarks, the House Judiciary Committee met to consider contempt of Congress Charges against attorney general Merrick Garland. The resolution was eventually approved among party lines by a vote of 1815. It now goes to the full house where it will be considered at a time to be determined. Up next, we will show you the House Judiciary Committee as it met to consider the resolution. Wisconsin for the pledge of allegiance to call up the and move the Committee Reported to the house. Erk will report without objection the report will be considered as read and the special counsel stated on page one of his report will fully retained materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen. He strong motivations to do so and to ignore the rules of properly handling the information in his notebooks. He shared some of the classified materials he kept with his ghostwriters writing a book for which joe biden received with 8 million advance and but we had motives
Cases will finish trial last year. Whatay does that say about the confidence in the system . I will not be able to comment any further. Shortly after those remarks the House Judiciary Committee met to consider the Congress Charges against the attorney general. The resolution was eventually approved along party lines by a vote of 1815. It now goes to the full house when it will be considered at a time to be determined. The chair recognizes the gentleman from wisconsin for the pledge of allegiance to call up the report and move the Committee Report into the house the clerk will report without objection the report will be considered as read and the special counsel stated on page one of his report will fully retained materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen. He strong motivations to do so and to ignore the rules of properly handling the information in his notebooks. He shared some of the classified materials he kept with his ghostwriters writing a book for which jo
The chair recognizes the gentleman from wisconsin for the pledge of allegiance to call up the report and move the Committee Report into the house the clerk will report without objection the report will be considered as read and the special counsel stated on page one of his report will fully retained materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen. He strong motivations to do so and to ignore the rules of properly handling the information in his notebooks. He shared some of the classified materials he kept with his ghostwriters writing a book for which joe biden received with 8 million advance and but we had motives and the classified information. All of this declines to prosecute joe biden because he is, quote, a sympathetic man with a poor memory and that brings us to today. Following the report we subpoenaed the transcript and audio recordings for the special counsels interviews and his ghost writer. They failed to produce the audiotapes to determine whether he appr
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